Welcome to Todd Booth's PhD Student Web Page

This Web Page is concerning Todd's role as a University PhD Student. Starting January 1st, 2015, Todd will be working 50% time as a University PhD Student. Todd's other role will be as a 50% time University Staff.

About Todd's Role, as a PhD Student

Todd's research area is in the Information Security Group. Here is the breadcromb trail to Todd's PhD student position:

Todd's OrcId is 0000-0003-0593-1253

Todd's OrcId Web Page URL is http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0593-1253.

Here is a list of Todd's more popular research area, and Todd's related Web Pages. Some of the referenced Web Pages present Todd's related published research papers and/or research papers which are in progress.

  1. AndrOrcId Firewall Research; Here is the Web Page
  2. Mitigation of the following: Vulnerabilities, of having Passwords on a Mobile and Personal Computer (web page coming soon)
  3. Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), including mitigation of DDOS on Critical Infrastrure (web page coming soon)
  4. Mitigation of BOTNETs (web page coming soon)
  5. Mitigation of Email SPAM (web page coming soon)
  6. Under construction. More research areas will be added soon.

Here are a few of Todd's other Web Pages

  1. University
  2. IEEE Xplore
  3. LinkedIn